Technologies can be so damn cool! They enable us to do numerous things, but unfortunately, not for all of us. Many people, due to various limitations cannot experience technologies and the digital world in the same way. Technology could be a tool for inclusion and accessibility, but so often falls short. It is easy to take for granted the ability to connect with friends and loved ones across the globe, learn new things, and play various games. But for many people with disabilities or other limitations, these experiences are out of reach.
Exclusion in a world of cool technologies
It is frustrating that despite all the amazing things technology can do, not everyone has equal access to it. We need to do better. We need to advocate for the rights of those who are excluded from the digital world. And we need to celebrate the incredible work being done by those who are already pushing for change. Technologies can be so damn cool, but they can also be so damn exclusionary. It is time to change that.
Blindgamer Steve Saylor
The world of gaming has always been an escape for many of us, a chance to step into different worlds and immerse ourselves in new experiences. However, for Steve Saylor, also known as “Blindgamer,” this world was not as accessible as he would have liked it to be. Steve is severely limited due to his barriers and cannot experience games like many of us can. But that is where the power of accessibility comes into play.
Steve runs the website “Can I play that,” which focuses on accessibility in gaming. He advocates for the inclusion of features that enable people with disabilities to enjoy gaming just as much as those without limitations. And his work has paid off.
Naughty Dog, the developers of the highly anticipated “Last of Us 2,” introduced 47 accessibility features with the game’s release. These features enable Steve and many others to experience the game in a way that was previously impossible. The developers made sure that everyone could enjoy the game regardless of their limitations. Watch here how Steve reacted when he first saw the accessibility settings in Last of Us 2.
This effort and dedication to accessibility in gaming is a showcase of what can be achieved when we prioritize inclusion. When we create games that are accessible to everyone, we not only allow people like Steve to experience the joy of gaming but also promote self-actualization and a sense of belonging.
This is why accessibility is so important, not just in gaming but in every aspect of life. When we make our products and services accessible to everyone, we create a world where everyone has equal opportunities to participate and enjoy life. And that is something worth striving for.
Haptic Feedback is the game changer
Haptic Feedback is this awesome technology that uses touch-based feedback to communicate information to users, and it is becoming more and more popular these days. You can find it already in your smartphone or your gaming controller! If you are new to this and want to know more about what Haptic Feedback is and how it works, no worries! Just click here to find the answers for your questions.
In this blog we will dive into a different perspective. Because Haptic Feedback is not just about enhancing user experiences. It is also an incredibly important tool for accessibility, especially for individuals with disabilities. Let us take a closer look at how Haptic Feedback can contribute to inclusivity and accessibility.
Example: Feelbelt

The musicians put their heart and soul into their instruments, and the man standing in front wearing a Feelbelt feels the music in his own way.
When we introduced our product, the Feelbelt, to people at a deaf concert some time ago, breathtaking moments occurred. The pure joy and emotion on the faces of those with disabilities as they experience music in a whole new way is truly heart-warming.
The photo captures the musicians in the back, pouring their hearts and souls into their instruments, and the man standing in front with a Feelbelt on, feeling the music in his own unique way, is a powerful reminder of the impact we can make. We are honored to be a part of such a transformative experience for these individuals and will continue to strive for even more moments like this.
Improving accessibility in various fields
For people with visual impairments, Haptic Feedback can provide vital information about their surroundings. With a Haptic Feedback device, they can receive directional cues that help them navigate through spaces or learn about objects in their environment. Plus, this technology can also be used in Braille displays and other tactile interfaces.
Haptic Feedback is also a game-changer for those with hearing impairments. It can provide alerts and notifications in situations where sound may not be audible, like in noisy environments or when using hearing aids or cochlear implants. It can even respond to speech or other auditory cues with tactile feedback.
And for people with mobility impairments, it can provide valuable feedback to assist with balance or posture. It can be used in assistive devices like exoskeletons and mobility aids to make controlling virtual avatars or interacting with virtual objects more intuitive.
But that is not all! Especially regarding the example of Steve Saylor, Haptic Feedback is also revolutionizing gaming and virtual reality experiences. It can provide vital sensory cues that make virtual environments more immersive and enhance gameplay. And for those with mobility impairments, important feedback for controlling virtual avatars or interacting with virtual objects can make the whole experience much easier.
Overall, Haptic Feedback is a crucial tool for accessibility that is making it easier for people with disabilities to navigate their environment, communicate, and interact with technology. As technology continues to advance, it is important to consider the needs of all users, including those with disabilities, and to incorporate accessibility features like haptic feedback into new devices and applications.
At the Superbowl, Rihanna delivered a truly remarkable performance. In an effort to make the event more inclusive, she went above and beyond to ensure that even the deaf community could enjoy her music. Her every movement was carefully choreographed so that they could “feel” the beat and rhythm of her songs. While this may not be an example of the impact of haptic feedback, it is a powerful testament to the importance of inclusivity. The overwhelming positive reactions from the audience demonstrate just how much of an impact such efforts can have.
By integrating our Metahaptics technology into your products, you can establish a profound connection between your users and your product. The most significant benefit of this technology is that it can elevate the user experience beyond their expectations and provide them with a truly revolutionary experience